Solutions Group International

"The safest place to be is by our side"

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SGI - Tactical Training

SGI - Advanced High-Risk Dignitary Protection (AHRDP)

[Course Fee = $1,875.00 ]

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(5-Days / 50-hours)

This course has been determined to qualify for AZ POST (continuing or proficiency) training credit.

The Solutions Group International (SGI) Advanced High-Risk Dignitary Protection - AHRDP course is a very ambitious and comprehensive program delivered in our new and extended 50-hour format.

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The SGI training staff is comprised of operators from both the military and law enforcement Special Operations Communities. The SGI Advanced High-Risk Dignitary Protection course is taught by instructors currently performing on U.S. Department of State Dignitary and Diplomatic security service contracts domestically and abroad. SGI instructors developed the curriculum for this course, which was later approved by the U.S. Department of State for the training of personnel performing on a domestic government contract providing armed protective services to a foreign diplomat and his family.

The SGI Advanced High-Risk Dignitary Protection Course focuses on Diplomatic Security and Executive Protection domestically and abroad and is designed to prepare operators for placement on a Protective Service Detail. Our primary objective is to teach students the requisite skills they will need to provide armed protective services in high-threat environments. Training at this level enables the operator to ramp up or scale down their overall security profile based on evolving threats.

Tactics and techniques taught during the SGI advanced course are combined with a multitude of realistic training scenarios to test the operator as an individual, a team-member, and as a team-leader of a protective service detail. This course was created using the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic Security Services model in conjunction with the vast real-world experiences of our instructors.

Course content includes:

  • Organization of a Protective Detail
  • Protective Operations Planning and Briefing
  • Threat and Vulnerability Assessments
  • Route and Site Security Surveys and Checklists
  • Business, Home, Hotel, and Venue Security
  • Advance Team Operations
  • Protective "Diamond" Formations
  • Aircraft Operations (Private and Commercial Aircraft)
  • Advanced Vehicle Motorcade Operations
  • Downed/Disabled Limo Recovery (w/ live fire)
  • "Driver-Down" Drills (w/ live fire)
  • Counter-Assault and Counter-Ambush Drills
  • Counter Assault Team Element
  • Force on Force / Attack on Principal - Drills
  • NEW - Advanced SWAT / CAT Response and Responsibilities
  • NEW - Advanced Combat Trauma Care - CTCåª
  • NEW - Advanced Vehicle Evasive Response Training - AVERT
  • Current Terrorist and Criminal Threats
  • Extensive Advanced Firearms Training
  • "Reality-Based" FTX Scenarios with Role Players

+ Equipment Requirements (Click to expand)

+ Executive / Dignitary Protection Training Courses (Click to expand)

[Course Fee = $1,875]

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1635 Spruce St
Riverside, CA. 92507, USA
(877) 844-8744

Private Patrol Operator - PPO#15796
Training TFF - 1592
P.I. - 23841