Solutions Group International

"The safest place to be is by our side"

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SGI - Tactical Training

Combat Trauma Care Series

The SGI Combat Trauma Care (CTC™) Series focuses of teaching students Basic Life Saving techniques in difficult, and often, inaccessible environments.  Our instructor cadre is drawn exclusively from the ranks of the U.S. Special Operations Medic Community and board certified Vascular Trauma Surgeons.  All of our CTC instructors have extensive experience in treating traumatic injuries in hospitals across the country and/or in hostile environments around the world.

SGI - Basic Trauma Care
SGI - Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
SGI - Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
SGI - Wilderness Trauma Care Course
SGI - Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
SOARescue Tactical Medical Practitioner (TMP) Program

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1635 Spruce St
Riverside, CA. 92507, USA
(877) 844-8744

Private Patrol Operator - PPO#15796
Training TFF - 1592
P.I. - 23841