SGI – Wilderness Precision Marksmanship Series
Your true passion is hunting big game. You book a five-day Elk or Mule Deer hunt, or a Big-5 hunt in Africa, or that dangerous Brown Bear hunt in Alaska. You spend thousands of dollars on gear, travel and a professional guide for a chance to pursue a majestic trophy. We understand your passion because we share it. The Solutions Group International (SGI) Wilderness Precision Marksmanship Course Series was developed by military and law enforcement special operations personnel (snipers) out of our passion to train fellow hunters and enhance their overall hunting experience and success in the field. Let us prepare you for that moment of a lifetime and give you the mental edge you will need to make that shot when it counts by teaching you some of the same techniques used to train our finest law enforcement and military precision marksmen.
View the Wilderness Precision Marksmanship Flyer